(REAL WORLD FICTION)🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago


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Monday, 20 July 2015

Tribe B...


To Be or Not To Be

ehold loyalty through the eyes of Tribe/Bliss, and you will believe, a society can be provoked by culture, as some behaviour and attitudes towards this social Mas group, continue to combine dominant elements of Tribe Mas identity.


Tribe/Bliss band launch, Forbidden and The Secret Garden was like crossing the stage at Queen’s Park Savannah, during Carnival Monday and Tuesday earlier this year. Feeling somewhat the same but rearranged... as the band choose to cross another location instead... how ironic.

Challenging your contemporary belief, and collective mind, with a state of everything that encompasses colour and Mas celebration in a Trini capsule…hmm sounds familiar right! Anyways, witnessing how Mas and a society can truly affect, an individual sense of belonging to be and wanting to be TRIBE is a reality.

Tribe/Bliss Band Launch 2016 was a manifestation of Mas and self

Produced by RWF

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