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Friday, 6 April 2012

Roller Coaster...

Roller Coaster With…

96.7 FM Cooler Fete.

ay-Ann performance on stage means no wheels needed, just pure energy with a motion powered by The Asylum Band and the outcome is jumping and rolling all around the place…just like a roller coaster, similar used in amusement …now even bigger in Trinidad and Tobago,the only difference its mechanical process works, internally instead of amusement parks, of course at Soca fetes, adding to your europhia and adrenalin rush, if you start getting dizzy at any time or start feeling thirsty after this turbulent Soca ride.

Don't get vex and dehydrated…more juice to come, whether it’s in a sealed pack or freshly poured into your staggering cup…you will be quenched after sipping twice from Bunji, Fay-Ann and Problem Child joint servings…no exaggeration it’s an honest statement an apple a day keeps the doctor away…so you can continue to roll with Fay-Ann throughout the Carnival season…juiced with fresh Soca…

Soca Phrases “We Ever Ready” “We Born Ready” evolve and enjoy…Stay Tuned.

Produced by Antonio Shortte

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