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Friday, 9 October 2015

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Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini suspended from soccer by FIFA's ethics body...


Blatter suspended from world soccer


A 90 day suspension is given to World soccer chief Sepp Blatter and European boss Michel Platini in an ever-deepening corruption scandal.

Zurich: FIFA President Sepp Blatter and his possible successor, European soccer chief UEFA Michel Platini, have been provisionally suspended for 90 days, the ethics committee of football's global governing body said on Thursday.

"During this time, the above individuals are banned from all football activities on a national and international level," FIFA's ethics committee said in a statement on Thursday.

It also handed out a 90-day suspension to FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke, who had already been sent on leave, and banned former FIFA Vice-President Chung Mong-joon for six years and fined him 100,000 Swiss francs (US$103,000).

Sepp Blatter has been suspended for 90 days.

The moves against the most powerful men in world soccer dramatically deepened the turmoil at FIFA as it faces criminal investigations in Switzerland and the United States into corruption at the highest levels of the game.

"The grounds for these decisions are the investigations that are being carried out by the investigatory chamber of the ethics committee," the committee said.


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