(REAL WORLD FICTION)🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago


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Sunday, 12 February 2023

Army Fete



Army Fete 2023

Trinidad: Queens Park Savannah 

I Feel Like Army…


hen carnival fetes come around and somebody says ah wearing army green…

just remember green is the prime colour of the world and that from which army fete arises at the Queen Park Savannah …with enough soca power….to blow your flags up into the sky.



rmy Fete was enjoyable and refreshing…kudos to Tropix Entertainment for finding and keeping a way to staying in sync with a fete like this one.




 For more pictures /images visit https://www.facebook.com/rwf.org

 For more pictures /images visit https://www.facebook.com/rwf.org

Picture Taken @Army by RWF Bunji Garlin

 For more pictures /images visit https://www.facebook.com/rwf.org

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