(REAL WORLD FICTION)🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago


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Friday, 10 February 2023



Machel offers more ways to sustaining carnival…



achel Montano makes a strong case for the inclusion of Afro beats music artiste as a gateway to the world experience for Machel 40 “One Show” by making a historical African link to Trinidad and Tobago Carnival from the Mother Land… described as a meeting place. At a press conference held at Hilton Trinidad, Port of Spain.


From left:Dr. Karrian Hepburn Malcom Managing Director-Guardian Media,Jay Upscale MM40 Promoter ,Machel Montano and Garvin Medera-Chief Executive Officer Caribbean Airlines


Entertainer: Machel Montano, Che’ Kothari Road Manger, Tony Chowlinon “Chinese Laundry” and Business Partner, Managing Director- Guardian Media Limited Dr. Karrian Hepburn Malcolm, Chief Executive Officer Caribbean Airlines Ltd, Garvin Medera ,expressed gratitude towards coming together for Machel 40 “One Show” all in with a common purpose.  


Like a man on fire Machel offers his knowledge of the Soca/Carnival industry and ways in which the culture of Trinidad and Tobago should no longer be a platform for competition but rather a transition of complete oneness.


Similar to Black Stalin... known as a true Caribbean man for his music that made us a people he wishes to showcase his richness  at the show....expressing a closeness to Stalin's family

He also gave a snippet of the type of entertainment to expect during the show which includes various amounts of high level power soca, groovy and pan…performances with a blend of top Afro Beat entertainers exclusive leading up to his performance...and urges patrons to be on time.           

Machel explained his absence from the event circuit was by design and simply for him to re –group, rest and  focus, as the existence of self depends on reflection... to come back stronger…saying sometimes you have to go into the dark to see the light.

So much so, that the creation of Monk music helps facilitates the gap between economic struggles experienced by young upcoming artiste and teaches them how to apply the right business approach to matters of interest.

Preparing the way forward towards sustaining Carnival as we know it....all depends on planning ahead …something his team offers through grace ...love in action #MonkMusic.





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