(REAL WORLD FICTION)🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago


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Showing posts with label Blaxx Woodford Cafe 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blaxx Woodford Cafe 2013. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

BLAXX Style @ Woodford...

Blaxx style up!  Woodford Café Tuesday Nights.
“Tools of the Soca Trade”

Every successful business requires a strong sense of customer service, a pride that resonates with the ability to perform exceptionally well at anytime when needed for making you the client completely satisfy.

Whether, you are a manufacturer, wholesaler, retailer or even a songwriter …when it comes to soca service Dexter Stewart (Blaxx) delivers from his heart, a true voice with a style that gives performance... taking you straight to the top.

He is a soca supplier… heavily in demand for his singing depth and style, equipped with tools of the soca trade.

Who say best voice! 

Produced by Antonio Shortte