(Real World Fiction) Trinidad and Tobago


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Showing posts with label Fay-Ann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fay-Ann. Show all posts

Thursday 3 November 2011


                                                                 World Entertainment

Realness... life reality and Soca,if you ever meet Fay-Ann you know she wears something like a bullet proof vest inside, protecting her mantra from unwanted elements, and her ammunition in the form of bullets, into tuff rubber talk...her passion is compassionate, wisdom fearless, family and friends respect views expressed by “Fay”.   
Just as life imitates art Fay-Ann opted to portray a Female force to be reckoned with similar to G.I Jane...tougher than the guys but, in control of her feminine beauty and qualities at the same time... “WOW” a real life scenario, with the recent uprising in Egypt and Soca insurrections all around, she decided to impersonate a real life riot squad commander, to a disruptive situation that only she can quell.
Stained with style and hotness, Fay Ann sent the masses, along with her Super Band Asylum, into a tail spin, of total madness and chaos... of endless proportions, as she wanted too, many felt the burn, stamping her trade name for those “caught up in dey hate ting” leaving the audience, with no choice but to return, what they borrowed from earlier performances... sending them back to the starting line...tallying her brand “mash up” to a full waving and jumping response, many tried and performed, but Fay Ann name kept calling.