Tough Love...
I am in love with Betty Sue and her sister
Kathy says she loves me too…both ah them…both ah them.
bet this verse sounds familiar to the Mighty Sparrow's, come back hit performed
in the early 90’s, which premiered and showcased, his macho delight, in a tricky
balance of romance,as he rolled and swayed his waist line side to side, between two beautiful
ladies .
knowing what you know now, may have given you a better understanding of his
curious dilemma, to keeping them both happy at the same time, various methods
may be applied for achieving such a stature of having “both ah them” some may appreciate Love and Marriage others
take lesser umbrage to sharing “Tough
Love” to balancing a triangle affair.
unfaithful the event had its faithful amount of sexiness as usual…no spy shop
version allowed, as movements soon after, led to the after party, and their
union of relationship hopefuls to the
Queen Park Oval.