(Real World Fiction) Trinidad and Tobago


web widgets

Thursday 13 August 2015

RWF (Web Connect)

The singularity is the term used to describe the hypothesis when technology becomes so advanced it radically changes civilization as we know it.This could be from an artificial intelligence reaching a level of super intelligence we cannot imagine,human biology and technology becoming so intertwined that we become almost part machine,or even if we achieve the ability to upload our consciousness so that we essentially live forever.

The danger of the singularity comes from the risk that we may stop being human altogether .Could there come a point in the far-flung future where technology really does advance to such a point that we cannot imagine the consequences? Or is it just something in the fevered dreams to technophobes?

web source:

There are plenty of people who argue that this isn't a problem posed by future technology,but one which is already here.After the recent revelations that Samsung's range of new smart TV's may be recording users private conversations and sharing the details with third parties,the fear that our home appliances may be spying on us is becoming less sci-fi paranoia and more a real concern.

So where will this end? will the rush to embrace the digital era mean us waving goodbye to our privacy forever? The worry is that a day may come where every single aspect of our lives is monitored and recorded by governments who want to know what we're up to,conglomerates investing our spending habits,or even banks making sure we aren't' living above our means.

The often repeated line from those wishing to take our privacy away from us is hat it is for our own protection.That if we're so concerned about our privacy,then we must have something to hide; so stop closing the bathroom door when you go to the toilet,it makes you look suspicious.

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