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Sunday, 20 September 2015

T&T Woman Footballer Mascall...

Name: Dernelle Mascall

Age: 26 

Position: midfield/forward 


1. Been in the national pool 13 years.
2 . Played in more than 4 CONCACAF tournaments.
3. Scholarship to University of West Florida; left the school as the most prolific player in school's history (2007-2010)
4. Professional football in Iceland with Grindavik FC (2011-2013)
5. Qualifying for a World Cup or Olympics would be the highlight of my career. 


oruga has a superfluity of talent; and it's because of this the idea of having a Football Academy, resulted as the catalyst...soon a reality for Mascall. Most importantly she can testify, that  raw talent do exist within Moruga… approximately 90% of our talent goes undiscovered from  generation to generation . For this reason Mascall's Football Academy… aims at the developmental stages of children ranging from Under 10, Under 15 and Under 17 boys and girls with hope of developing and discovering talent and creating avenues through her  football academy .

Competing in friendly competitions, suitable for the mentioned age groups ensuring the Academy's number one goal is met. To ensure no talent goes unseen… for the most part fostering a better life for the children of the Academy. This is locally based with hope of venturing nationally, regionally and eventually internationally.

Apart from being a talented bunch, we are faced with unfortunate situations as such. Recently there have been a number of children without proper mentor-ship and parental guidance. Since their parents have passed away due to violent circumstances in some cases, they are often left alone. Therefore, another objective of Mascall's academy is to help social interaction and giving children, a sense of belonging, by facilitating and restoring that inner glow of value to their lives through this academy brand. 

Launch Info Academy Details: 

Ages Groups Under 10, Under 15, Under 17 (boys/girls)

Sessions Saturday and Sunday (10-12)

Date November 1st, 12noon

Venue Basse Terre Rec. Grounds in Moruga

Activities: 3 games

U10 mix game starts 1pm

U17 boys games       3pm

5pm girl’s games featuring some of the T&T women warriors. 


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