(Real World Fiction) Trinidad and Tobago


web widgets

Thursday 26 November 2015


by Jessica Guynn

Just in case you missed the Death Star-sized marketing push for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Disney and Lucasfilm have joined forces with Google to create a Star Wars theme for Google apps including Google Maps, Gmail, search and YouTube.

You can choose to join the light —  Jedi masters as Qui-Gon Jin, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi — or dark sides of the Force — Darths Maul, Tyranus, Sidious, Vader. All you have to do is go to the Google Star Wars site to pick a side, and the changes will be reflected on Chromebook, Android and iOS phones and tablets as well as Windows and Mac computers.
Some features might be limited on mobile, and the change could take a few hours to appear on your account after you "awaken the force".

Become an online Jedi (or Sith) with Google's new Star Wars tie-in

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