(REAL WORLD FICTION)๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡น Trinidad and Tobago


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Sunday, 24 January 2016

Ladies Night O.. 2016****


hey say water and oil don’t mix…but when it comes to Randy Glasgow’s production... he proved some elements are just blended right.

Take for instance sexy ladies, Soca, and music combined to make a blend, vaporized into its purest form of Carnival partying  at its best.

Moreover,this 2016 edition of ladies night out had Destra saying... she’s  natural “no in plants “all real.

 Kes continuing to present himself the best way, he can when he’s on "people" fire.

 Ola given the opportunity to be humble once again.... whilst making  a  tribute to his mother the late Maroon Ali during a picture perfect display at the Halsey Crawford stadium.

Also on display were over 20 contestants vying for the best dress female at the event ,which open the eyes of patrons, even wider, refusing to shut as they seemed truly entertained by the friendly competition and performances throughout the show.

Ladies Night Out connects and rejects the stush by making a statement “We having Fun ”   

Stay Tuned...

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