(REAL WORLD FICTION)๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡น Trinidad and Tobago


web widgets

Sunday, 28 February 2016


Social Network...

The new Peach social network app lets friends share anything from doodles to animated GIFs to micro-blogs. Photo: Peach
Peach! It's a new emoji-themed social network for iPhone that has probably already ridden its headline-driven hype wave to the ground. But that doesn't mean it isn't interesting.

For real, I'm not even going to entertain the idea that Peach has a chance of taking off. It's not particularly intuitive, it doesn't offer a killer new feature that is easily explained, and social networks aren't where the world is heading โ€” messaging apps are. That's why it was never actually downloaded by that many of us.

If a serious amount of people โ€” more than say, Ello โ€” are using it in six months, I will eat a newspaper.

Yet, even without users, Peach is worth looking at seriously. Indeed, I hope some of the people at Facebook Messenger โ€” an app that does have serious numbers โ€” are watching closely.

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