(Real World Fiction) Trinidad and Tobago


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Monday 11 April 2016

No Doubles Politics!

Stop playing politics with doubles!

Imagine that (true story) A man went and buy 2 doubles to go… upper Tunapuna on the main road, he’s a regular, but hasn’t brought doubles at this location in a while say (6mths)…for safe measure… he asked how much.

Doubles man response: 5 dollars (before it was 4 dollars)…boy yuh see with this new government in place everything just  rising and keep rising ,the cost of living high and people losing dey jobs…no management etc.

So in others words… consumers are being punished from these businesses operating outside of the tax net... without being registered, not even paying Vat, Nis and Health Surcharge etc.
Only if and this is not the case for most… then talk nah… if not shut up and keep the prices down and serve them paying costumers  sweet tasting, hot doubles… please.

Thank you Mr. Doubles Vendor

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