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Thursday, 14 April 2016

Save our Chicks (S.O.C)

Laser is agonizing Chick shredding

That male chicks alive remains and grows is not provided in the poultry industry. Male animals are sorted out , gassed and shredded
Photo: pa

You slip on a wooden pallet , which stands on a trolley in a brood chamber . Then the chicks are tipped onto the conveyor belt . People hands reach for them , examine them " to gross damage " . And they sort by gender. Taps land in crates . Only a few minutes old, they are " fed to the final processing " . Shredded or gassed . Around 45 million chicks die annually in Germany poultry farms .
Animal rights activists have been protesting for years against the mass killing of male chicks , they call for a change of system in the chicken farming . The producers say the killing was no alternative , because roosters now time laid no eggs and and their meat was too tough for consumption.

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