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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Mo Alcoh...

'pure alcohol' 

Sales of alcohol in Scotland are on the rise with the equivalent of 41 bottles of vodka sold per adult in 2015, according to new figures.

Alcohol sales had been falling but the NHS Health Scotland study found this downward trend has reversed, mainly due to a greater proportion being sold through supermarkets and off-licences which hit their highest level since recording began.
The report found 10.8 litres of pure alcohol was sold per adult in Scotland in 2015 - equivalent to 41 bottles of vodka, 116 bottles of wine or 477 pints of beer in the year.
A senior health figure branded the trend "concerning" and warned it presents a "substantial public health and economic cost to Scotland".
The amount of pure alcohol sold is up slightly from 10.7 litres in 2014 and is now equivalent to 20.5 units per week, more than the new UK-wide guidelines of 14 units a week for men and women.
by Laura Paterson

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