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Sunday, 28 August 2016

Black Culture and Carnival ((Notting Hill))

More than one million people turned out to celebrate, enjoy and respect black history and traditions.

Notting Hill Carnival is a prime example of the world’s love of black culture. Last year more than one million people turned out to celebrate, enjoy and respect black history and traditions. It was the brutal murder of Antiguan immigrant Kelso Cochrane in 1959 which spurred the creation of the West London street festival. However, many now seem to have forgotten the political and social tensions which created the carnival, and unfortunately that trend is set to increase.
This weekend marks the 50th anniversary of Notting Hill,  the largest street carnival in Europe. But as it grows another decade older, this celebration of the lives of black people and immigrants in Britain has become progressively less representative, both politically and culturally, of those who first created it and those it was designed to serve.

by: Daniel Khalili- Tari 

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