(REAL WORLD FICTION)๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡น Trinidad and Tobago


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Friday, 30 December 2016


Trinidad and Tobago Annual  Awards  Gala  held at Hyatt Regency on December 29th, 2016....marked 19 years, as an event, but spans decades of team TTO athletic participation and representation  from London Olympics 1948 to Rio 2016 . 

From this side facing the athletes, a deeper appreciation was echoed throughout the ceremony,as heart felt contributions by His Excellency Anthony Thomas Carmona ORTT,SC , Brian  Lewis President Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee,Minister Sport and Youth  Affairs Darryl Smith packed motivation during their presentations.

Also feature... speaker Shaka Hislop pointed to the virtues of setting goals for the future, and propelling hope by saying there's nothing wrong with mission 10 Gold by 2024 because big dreams can come true.

Hislop, also reflected on his career playing football towards his new path,but at the same time sharing a vision for a better mindset and support by citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.

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