(REAL WORLD FICTION)🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago


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Tuesday, 16 October 2018


Drink Me...

Do drinks taste better than out of the bottle?

Is the eye drinking? Many people swear that they would notice a difference: A soda tastes different if you drink it from a can, a plastic bottle or a glass bottle.

Different sensory stimuli are to blame, explains Jessica Freiherr,
For example, if the can is red, we subconsciously assume that the drink is sweet. "Sparkling water is the most sparkling when it comes in a blue bottle," says Freiherr.

Everyday knowledge: Why soda foams when pouring-or not 

And cocoa tastes the chocolatiest from an orange mug. The eye drinks with it. "Decisive for the perceived taste is also how much odor I get from a drink," says Freiherr. With a sip from a can or bottle that is much less than drinking from a glass. 

The answer must be: Yes, drinks taste different in the can than in the bottle.
 But guilt is not a changed recipe, but our subjective perception.


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