(REAL WORLD FICTION)🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago


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Tuesday, 23 October 2018

"RWF" The Mighty Shadow***** Flashback...

If you had the pleasure meeting, even seeing performances by The Mighty Shadow “Winston Anthony Bailey” you would simply say  “POWER”.

He was a powerful musical force; no feather weight to the art form of Trinidad and Tobago. Growing up you would look forward to hearing and eventually knowing a “Shadow” song.

Outstanding they were, such like  "Poverty is Hell", Yuh looking fuh horn …gave you a deeper understanding of his music.

Your goose bumps would have raised seeing him during his live performance at the Soca Monarch Finals 2001 what an intro…brilliant performance “Stranger” will be unforgettable.

R.I.P  1941- 2018 Shadow.

Stay Tuned…

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