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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

RWF ((Successful Career Quotes))

Sheryl Sandberg, billionaire and chief operating officer of Facebook. "Ask yourself how you can improve and what you're afraid to do. That's usually the thing you should try." Photo: Bloomberg
There is no straight path to where you are going.

"As Pattie Sellers of Fortune Magazine says, careers are not ladders but jungle gyms," the Facebook COO wrote on Quora. "You don't have to have it all figured out."

Sheryl Sandberg recommends having a long-term, abstract dream to work towards in addition to a more concrete 18-month plan. The long-term plan allows you to dream big while the short-term plan forces you to push yourself and think about how you want to get better over the next year and a half.

"Ask yourself how you can improve and what you're afraid to do," she said, adding "that's usually the thing you should try."

by Jacquelyn Smith and Rachel Gillett

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