(REAL WORLD FICTION)🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago


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Monday, 16 May 2016

The Fast Lane

Grand Prix inspired menswear to get your pulse racing

Designers are obsessed with fast cars and loud colours for spring/summer 2016. Sport with caution, advises Alexander Fury

Sometimes fashion is about tapping into a want – or even a need – to look sophisticated, polished, grown-up. Other times, it’s about a gleeful indulgence, such as of the urge of many men, well into middle age, to emulate heroes through the clothes they put on their back. Look at the popularity of football gear as everyday attire, a way of showing a tribal affiliation – and, perhaps, a provocative form of battle dress when sported in the wrong territories. Plus it’s probably David Beckham’s public image and sporting prowess that’s shifting his H&M pants, rather than the design quality. Ditto his fragrances - Coty sells around £70 million annually Beckham-branded men’s scent.

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