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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Tattoo Up...


Tattoos can cause cancer-with one colour potentially more toxic than others,study says...

Tattoos can cause cancer and mutations - and one colour is potentially more toxic than others, according to scientists.   

Research by the European Chemicals Agency to be published imminently is investigating possible risks associated with being inked.
The agency said: “Many reports show significant concerns for public health stemming from the composition of inks used for tattooing.“The most severe concerns are allergies caused by the substances in the inks and possible carcinogenic, mutagenic or re-productively toxic effects.”
Inks are not currently regulated in the EU. If any particular chemicals are found to be harmful as thought, they will be banned. 
An agency spokesman said: "If it is found that a restriction is needed, a formal proposal to restrict the substances will be submitted within one year to initiate the process." 
Red ink has been linked to dermatitis - swelling and soreness - due to it containing mercury sulphide.
Meanwhile red, blue, green and purple ones are more likely to cause granulomas – little ridges of bumps on the skin. 
by Kate Nelson

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